New LP review in Skug

Originally review in German
Skug – Journal für Musik, #84, Autumn 2010,

One Man Nation
»Suspended In A Vortex In The Middle Of A Bowl From Tibet/When I Was Young I
Was Easily Amused, But Now It Is All, The Same. And The Same …«

Presentation Run-Through

Taken from the published piece in the ISEA 2010 Conference Proceedings: What follows is a condensed run through of the various processes that have directed my research and practice over the past years, in search for my own narrative in relation to my sound/performance practice and the sounds of the post-folk.

Slightly Out Of Point But Related Somehow

In less than 24 hours, I say goodbye to Rotterdam and Europe to Asia for half a year at least. The next 6-7 months I will be in India, Indonesia and Indochina, searching and researching for the exhaustive work of Taam Ming: Music Of The Post-Human Future Folk.